President’s mission
In order to provide an environment where people engaged in football can feel happy, Japan Football Association(JFA) establishes 11 president’s missions and is carrying out various reforms based on these missions.
「In order to establish the foundation of Japanese football focused on 「diffusion」 and 「strengthening」 and with the purpose of realizing the 『JFA Declaration 2005』, we have revised the 『President’s mission』 and we have added some new challenges.
The missions here established are necessary in order to make people engaged in football feel fun and happy.And with the aim to create an environment where all people, men and women, children and elderly people, can enjoy football and sports throughout life, JFA, in cooperation with regional/ prefectural football associations, is promoting the following missions for the future.
Mission1 Promotion of 「JFA Membership system」

This system aims to receive people who are engaged with football as football mates, as “football family” and to extend this family by actively offering many advantages to its members. Regarding this 「JFA Membership system」, established by this point of view, we are going to promote the enhancement of its contents and its consolidation. This system, satisfying the registrants and attracting JFA as an effective and efficient system, will be the foundation for the achievement of 5 million football family members by 2015, in accordance with the「JFA Declaration 2005」
Mission2 Promotion of 「JFA Green Project」

Aiming for “ creating in Japan a sport environment in which there are lawns in familiar places” and sharing this aim with many people, we are promoting the creation of a social environment that can achieve this aim. Moreover, we are establishing “Prefectural Football Centers” , for the promotion of football and sports and for the activation of the regions.
Mission3 Promotion of 「JFA Kids’ program」

The growth and the development of mind and body, and in particular of the nervous system, of small children and of children of elementary school are remarkable. Through teaching to many of these children as the fun of moving and doing sports, we are aiming for diffusion and penetration in society of football and for the development of players. We call children of this age(U-10・U-8・U-6)「Kids」, and we are actively introducing activities for the diffusion and the development of football for these kids in prefectures. We are also establishing a diffusion and development system proper of Japan and we are going to promote it as 「JFA Kids’ program」.
Mission4 Enhancement of the environment for junior high school generation

In the junior high school age is an important age in which class 4 players are received an prepare themselves for class 2. Cooperating with Prefectural associations, we are going to activate this generation, through planning concrete measures that take into account the characteristic of each region in order to provide players of this age 「more chances to play」 and a 「appropriate environment」.
Mission5 Establishment of elite development system

It is a system that focuses on the strengthening and carries out many activities for the development of elites of each generation. In particular, activities for scouting and developing talented kids (U-10・U-8・U-6) are actively carried out in prefectures, and through an elite education, we are trying to strengthen each player. Moreover, we are promoting elite education for players of over U-12 , establishing an elite development system proper of Japan for the strengthening of the National team, and carrying out JFA Elite programs such National training center, JFA Academy Fukushima. And we are aiming to establish a system that allows players that could not become top players, to be proud of themselves and makes them able to contribute to society.
Mission6 Promotion of Women’s Football activities

In order to expand the number of women players, we have created 4 categories per age 「Kids」(under 10)・「Girls」(Under 18)・「Ladies」(over 18) and we are trying to activate women’s football. We especially focus on Junior high School and over 18 categories which has only few registered players, and we are actively carrying out and promoting activity for the diffusion of Women’s football. We are also trying to create and provide an environment where women can feel closer to football and to provide more opportunities to play. Through these activities we are trying to develop and strengthen the Women’s football world.
Mission7 Promotion of Futsal’s diffusion

We are promoting Futsal’s diffusion by organizing various activities and trying to give to as many people as possible, the opportunity to play and enjoy futsal. Also, through the 「JFA Family futsal festival」, held all over the country, we are trying to increase opportunities for family communication and for sports activities in the community.
Mission8 Promotion of league matches and organization, enhancement of various tournaments

In order to provide to many player the possibility to play football throughout the year, in accordance to their age and level, we are trying to organise tournaments , keeping in mind the principle of 「Players First」. Moreover, Throughout tournaments such as 「Prefectural league」, which was actively promoted as a tournament for class 2 and 3 players, we are trying to diffuse more the league matches in Japan.
Mission9 Promotion of regional/prefectural associations’ activities

We will cooperate with regions and prefectures in order to let all regional/prefectural associations to organise activities and businesses taking into account their regionality and originality, and in order to provide merits to Football family members and diffuse football. JFA will promote the reform of the organizational structure of prefectural associations, supporting the management of the organisation, devolving the authority to others where possible. We are considering establishing a system where JFA, regional, prefectural, municipal, local associations respect each other and work together, to be our main goal and we are trying to establish a stronger relationship with these entity in order to develop Japan Football
Mission10 Formulation of policies and proposals for a medium-long term outlook
We are evaluating and promoting the formulation of policies and medium-long term proposals , based on 「JFA Declaration 2005」. In particular, the search and the evaluation of JFA’s businesses should be carried out, as well as the extraction of the problems of actual businesses, the proposal of new businesses to related organisations. Also, when execution departments for relevant businesses (councils, federation,・departments・prefectural associations etc.) will be decided, specific proposals, adjustment and management will be actively carried out. Throughout these activities, it will be possible to contribute continuously to the activation and development of Japanese football.
Mission11 Strengthening of the sports management

In order to develop people who will create the future sports culture in Japan, we are establishing a new qualification system in sports management and we are promoting human resources development businesses. In particular, developing 「JFA Sports Managers College」, organised by JFA, and 「E-learning lectures」 and 「Satellite lectures」 organised by prefectures, we are trying to strengthen the management of JFA, prefectural associations, clubs, public sports facilities etc.