Urawa edge Chapecoense with added-time goal in SURUGA bank Championship 2017 SAITAMA / Gol no final dá vitória ao Urawa em disputa acirrada contra Chapecoense - Suruga Bank Championship 2017 SAITAMA
16 August 2017
On Tuesday 15 August, Urawa Red Diamonds squared off against Chapecoense (Brazil) in the SURUGA bank Championship 2017 SAITAMA at Saitama Stadium 2002.
It was a quiet start to the international championship match with both sides trying to figure out their opponent’s game plan. In the 12th minute, Urawa fashioned their first chance with a lobbed ball from forward RAFAEL Da Silva, but forward MUTO Yuki failed to convert this scoring opportunity. After a long stretch of match being in the balance, the hosts gradually start to gain control of the match and threatened the opponents’ goal in the closing minutes of the first half. Muto struck from range in the 40th minute and Zlatan LJUBIJANKIC fired a header from a set piece after 42 minutes, but both shots could not find the target. On the other hand, Chapecoense looked for their opening goal in the 44th minute with a cross ball from forward PENILLA, but TULIO DE MELO’s header went wide to the left.
A Suruga Bank Championship 2017 SAITAMA foi realizada nesta terça-feira, 15 de agosto, no Saitama Stadium 2002, com o duelo entre Urawa Reds e Chapecoense.
A partida começou devagar para os dois times. No 12º minuto, o Urawa Reds finalizou pela primeira vez com o atacante Yuki Muto, ao receber um passe por cima de Rafael Silva. O time da casa cresceu com o decorrer do tempo e chegou com perigo no minuto 40 em um chute de média distância de Muto, mas que não pegou muito bem na bola. Dois minutos depois, o atacante Zlatan ameaçou abrir o placar em um cabeceio após cobrança de falta. Aos 44, a Chapecoense finalmente respondeu, em um cruzamento de Penilla que Túlio de Melo desviou de cabeça.
Marking only a single shot in the first half, Chapecoense started to orchestrate better attacks by rearranging players’ positions after the break. Midfielder LUIZ ANTONIO was instrumental in creating scoring chance for the Brazilian club as his presence was felt everywhere on the pitch, stringing passes in the middle and initiating attacks on the flanks. Then, in the 59th minute, forward ARTHUR CAIKE was played through by Luiz Antonio and fired a shot at goal from the left side of the box, but goalkeeper NOMOTO Tetsuya’s superb save denied his side to open the scoring.
The complexity of the game completely changed from the first half, as defender APODI fashioned several chances for Chapecoense from the right side and Urawa was forced to defend in their own end, but their resilience kept the visitors from scoring. It remained scoreless and entered the closing minutes of the match. Then, the important game-changing decision came in the 88th minute, as Zlatan earned a penalty for Urawa as he was contesting for a ball and making a turn to claim the loose ball. ABE Yuki calmly netted the spot kick in the 94th minute to give his side a long-awaited opening goal.
A Chapecoense foi para o intervalo com apenas uma finalização, mas voltou para o segundo tempo com outra postura e começou a jogar no campo de ataque. Com o meio-campo Luiz Antonio armando o setor ofensivo, o clube brasileiro criou boa chance aos 59 minutos. Arthur Caike recebeu passe em velocidade, chutou cruzado e forçou uma difícil defesa do goleiro Tetsuya Enomoto.
O ataque da Chapecoense passou a se concentrar no lado direito com as subidas do lateral Apodi, com os dois times se alternando no ataque. O placar ainda não tinha saído do zero e o final do jogo se aproximava, mas tudo mudou aos 88 minutos. Zlatan foi derrubado em uma dividida dentro da área com o zagueiro Grolli. Pênalti marcado e calmamente convertido pelo capitão Yuki Abe no quarto minuto de acréscimo. O Urawa marcou no seu primeiro chute a gol do segundo tempo.
Thereafter, Chapecoense searched for an equaliser with their players taking more advanced positions in the remainder of the match. However, Urawa stayed resilient and defended tenaciously against the menacing attacks from the Brazilian club. Second-half substitutes defender ENDO Wataru and midfielder HIRAKAWA Tadaaki also were instrumental in putting pressure on the ball and not allowing the opponents to find open areas to exploit. Urawa protected the one-goal lead and secured a 1-0 win over Chapecoense. The championship ended with J.League club winning for the first time in three years, and both sides came together after the game to praise their wonderful efforts put forth from their players.
Em busca do empate, a Chapecoense pressionou, mas a defesa do Urawa se manteve firme. Os substitutos Wataru Endo e Tadaaki Hirakawa deram novo fôlego à marcação dos Reds, que segurou a vantagem de 1 a 0 até o apito final. O resultado marcou o primeiro título da Suruga para um clube japonês nos últimos três anos. Uma partida disputada em que os jogadores dos dois lados elogiaram seus adversários.
Match Report
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Coaches' and Players' Comments
Comentários dos técnicos e jogadores
HORI Takafumi, Coach (Urawa Red Diamonds)
Takafumi Hori (Técnico, Urawa Reds)
It was a match that required patience both offensively and defensively. We found areas to initiate our attacks and created scoring chances, but were unable to finish our plays with a shot. I think we lacked good off-the-ball movements and aggressiveness to score goals in the attacking third of the pitch. We were forced to defend patiently, but had the tenacity and the resilience in front of goal as well. I believe that keeping the opponents scoreless was the area in which we can say that we are making progress as a team. Still, it would have been better if we had created more effective attacks against the side that were not in the top form as well.
Foi um jogo de muita paciência tanto no ataque quanto na defesa. Conseguimos manter uma saída de bola de qualidade e nos saímos bem até um passo antes da conclusão, mas o time não foi muito incisivo na hora de finalizar as jogadas. Foi preciso ter paciência na defesa, mas os jogadores mostraram firmeza na marcação e não ter sofrido gol é um sinal de progresso para nós. Apesar disso, nosso adversário não estava na melhor condição física, então nós deveríamos ter produzido mais no ataque.
DF #5 MAKINO Tomoaki (Urawa Red Diamonds)
Tomoaki Makino (Zagueiro #5, Urawa Reds)
There are areas where we need to improve offensively, but in regards to the result, I am satisfied that we were able to edge a close contest by keeping the opponents scoreless. Coach Hori just started to manage the team from late July, but we were still able to display what we have been practising in training and I believe the team were highly focused in defence as well. Coach Hori has been instructing us to have patience as well as resilience and keep the opponents from scoring. We will focus on those elements and continue our efforts in the coming J.League games.
Precisamos melhorar muito em algumas coisas no ataque, mas, se considerarmos o resultado, foi bom que conseguimos conter os ataques deles e sair com a vitória. Conseguimos mostrar o que trabalhamos nos treinos desde que o treinador Hori assumiu e defendemos bem como um todo. Agora temos jogos da liga pela frente, então temos que continuar com a mentalidade forte para o que o técnico nos pede: “tenacidade”, “perseverança” e “não sofrer gols”.
Vinícius Soares Eutrópio (Técnico, Chapecoense)
The match was a great advert for the cup-winners championship. In the first half, we had a difficult time adjusting to a rather unconventional formation taken by our opponents. However, we started to find a good balance towards the end of the first half and the match became an even contest. In the second half, we altered the positions of midfielders and took on a more attacking formation, and I believe we started to create better scoring chances. It was an excellent experience for my players as well. On the behalf of my team and my players, I would like to express my gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality received from the people in Japan.
Foi um jogo digno de uma disputa entre dois times campeões. No primeiro tempo, demorou para a nossa equipe se ajustar à formação incomum do adversário. Mas conseguimos encontrar um equilíbrio no fim do primeiro tempo e o jogo ficou disputado. No segundo tempo, avançamos nossos meias e conseguimos criar chances. Foi uma boa experiência para os jogadores. Em nome do nosso clube, gostaria de agradecer ao Japão pela recepção calorosa e pelo omotenashi.
DF #3 GROLLI (Chapecoense)
Grolli (Zagueiro #3, Chapecoense)
It was a cup-winners championship, and we focused our efforts on defence and entered the match. We were looking for ‘sound and consistent performance’, but lost the match due to a late conceded goal. It was a disappointing result, but Urawa Reds were an excellent team and I would like to congratulate their victory over us. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the Japanese staff for supporting and hosting this championship as well. In Japan, everything was well-organised and we were able to get ready for the game smoothly. Furthermore, I would like to thank the Urawa supporters for raising the banner to encourage our team after the match as well. We will be looking to return to Japan and win the championship next time.
Foi um jogo entre dois times campeões. Viemos com a expectativa de manter uma defesa sólida desde o início, mas acabamos sofrendo o gol no final e não conseguimos vencer. Um resultado decepcionante, mas o Urawa Reds é um grande time e gostaria de dar os parabéns a eles pela vitória. Gostaria de agradecer ao Japão por realizar esse torneio. Foi tudo muito bem organizado para que a gente pudesse se preparar da melhor forma possível para esse jogo. Também ficamos muito felizes com a mensagem de motivação que os torcedores do Urawa Reds mostraram depois da partida. Queremos voltar ao Japão de novo, e da próxima vez será para vencer.
JFA-TV (Japanese version only)
15 August 2017(Tue.) Kick-off at 19:00 (Estimated time)
Saitama Stadium 2002
15 de agosto de 2017 (terça-feira), início às 19h00(estimado)
Saitama Stadium 2002
Urawa Red Diamonds (Japan/ J.LEAGUE YBC Levain CUP 2016 winners)
Urawa Reds (Japão / Campeão da J.League YBC Levain Cup 2016)
Chapecoense (Brazil/ COPA SUDAMERICANA 2016 winners)
Chapecoense (Brasil / Campeão da Copa Sul-Americana 2016)
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