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JFA Academy Sakai holds 3rd annual entrance ceremony

04 April 2014

JFA Academy Sakai holds 3rd annual entrance ceremony

In a warm, sunny spring day on 2 April (Wed), JFA Academy Sakai held an entrance ceremony for the third-term students. While a total number of roughly 80 persons that consisted of the guests, parents, senior students and team officials were attending, the newly-accepted 12 members officially enrolled at the school. Now we have all the three forms here.


Maruyama Akira JFA Academy Sakai Chief Coach
As observed by so many eyes, the 12 new third-term students attended the entrance ceremony and they expressed their strong determinations for themselves. While this is the first time for the academy to have all the three forms in its third year, all the students will begin their fresh starts here. Hopefully, the 12 new members, along with the first- and second-term students, shall not forget about the supports from all of you who are assisting JFA Academy Sakai on a daily basis, and will work hard and eventually make growths. 

Higuchi Ryo JFA Academy 3rd-term studen(Cerezo Osaka Sakai Girls)
Our senior members, families and those who are associated with the Academy Sakai took time to see us today, we are extremely humbled by that. You don't really have a chance to express yourself in front of so many people like that, so I was very nervous. On the contrary, our senior members who came before us and made the speeches seemed so stylish, so hopefully, when I become a senior member, I want to be seen like that. I have so many things to learn here, but I will go to our senior members when I have questions and want to do my best.

Miyake Sayu JFA Academy 3rd-term studen (Okayama Yunogo Belle espoir) 
We enrolled here as the third-term students. I was very surprised to see that a lot of guests, including Mr. mayor and Mr. chairman, visited to observe us 12 members. As my statement, I spoke about the word of ''Dream'' and how I thought about it. I was the first one to speak and was very nervous. But I was pleased that our senior members gave me warm applauses and words to me when I finished. For the next three years, I would like to make the best possible efforts I can in order to achieve my dream.

Tanaka Moe JFA Academy Sakai 2nd-term student (Otsu Victories Soccer Club)
Today was the day we are all starting our fresh start in our life with all the members of all the grades. And as I participated in the entrance ceremony and hear what the third-term students were expressing, it reminded me of the time that I came here a year ago. At the same time, I became a little worried if I could be able to lead the juniors as the second-term students. But we have so many fun things for now and we'd like to spend our time, cooperating well with all of us of the three different grades.

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