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Class S Coach Training Course 2022 Module 3/Intensive Course (7) Participant's Report Vol. 9

22 September 2022

Class S Coach Training Course 2022 Module 3/Intensive Course (7) Participant's Report Vol. 9

In the final week of Module 3, a series of lectures were held, covering number of essential topics such as club management and player transfers. “Emotion workshop” was introduced to the Class S Coach Training Course with the aim of focusing on “emotion” in football and enhancing “emotional intelligence,” giving the participants a new approach to learning management.

In the lingering summer heat, Module 3 comes to an end this week and enter an “in-between study” period of about a month, during which new assignments and club visits will begin.

Module3 Intensive Course ⑦

Duration: Mon. 12 - Thu. 15 September

Mon. 12 September PM Club operation/Club licensing regulations:
     Director SUZUKI Tokuaki (J.League Club Operation Department),
     Club Licensing Manager OHSHIRO Ryota (Club Licensing Department)
Rules and regulations: HARIMA Kengo (JFA Legal Department)
Tue. 13 September AM Coaching session
PM Presentation by the participants
Frontline of world football, Emotion workshop:
     ONO Takeshi (JFA Deputy Technical Director)
Wed. 14 September AM Coaching session
PM Presentation by the participants
Thu. 15 September AM Coaching session
PM Presentation by the participants
Module3 review: UKISHIMA Bin (JFA Class S Instructor)

Cooperation in dispatching support players: Edogawa University, Chuo Gakuin University, JEF United Ichihara Chiba (Academy Staff)

Participant's Comment

Mr. Nagayama Kazuya (Hosei University)
On the first day of the third week of Module 3, we had a lecture on club operation and club licensing regulations of the J.League, where we held a group work session to discuss management information and situation which should be closely monitored and understood by the coaches.

During this lecture, the participants learnt that the J.League has three missions that cover the competitive, business, and social aspects of club management, and aims for further growth of the league in the five management areas of “social cooperation,” “football,” “to C,” “business enhancement” and “management infrastructure,” maximising value in each area and linking each area with “facility development” as a cross management area. Among these topics, hometown activities and social cooperation activities, such as the "SHAREN activities," seemed to be particularly important. From the perspective of understanding the social issues in the region, taking into account the SDGs, and overseeing efforts to solve these issues in collaboration with the stakeholders, I thought these activities should be carried out more actively in the future.

The second lecture covered sports law, player contracts and the transfer system. Here we learnt about the compensation system, the rules for professional contracts regarding international and domestic transfers and transfer fees. Although sometimes the career progression of the players and the vision of the clubs do not coincide, I felt that this lecture provided invaluable information for me to become a coach.

From the second day onwards, the course consisted of coaching sessions in the morning and lectures or presentations by the participants in the afternoon.

In the afternoon of the second day, Mr. ONO Takeshi gave us a lecture on the latest trends of the world football scene, providing us with an interesting insight into the latest developments in football from the perspective of trends (thesis) and countertrends (antithesis).

In the subsequent lecture on "Emotion workshop," we learned how to make use of emotions in a different way from the mental perspective, and how to notice and make use of what is invisible to the eye. I don't know if “defiance” is the right word to describe it, but it was a very useful lecture on how to turn failure into success, while also keeping an eye on the signals that can lead the team to victory and further growth.

In Module 3, there were times when there were four coaching sessions per week, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the support players for the extra work they had to put in.

We are grateful to everyone who has supported us throughout this course, and we will not take for granted of the given environment, which is allowing us to continue with this course despite the ongoing pandemic.

Next time, we will share the report of Mr. NAKAYAMA Genki (Renofa Yamaguchi FC).

  • toto
  • Class S Coach Training Course is funded by the Sports Promotion Lottery.
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