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The 4 teams to go through to the semi final of The 23rd All Japan High School Women’s Football Championship are decided!

07 January 2015

The 4 teams to go through to the semi final of The 23rd All Japan High School Women’s Football Championship are decided!

Quarter final matches of the 23rd All Japan High School Women’s Football Championship were held in Miki, Hyogo on 6 January. 

Pickup Match1

Daisho Gakuen High School(Kansai2/Osaka) 0-1(1st 0-0、2nd 0-1)  Murata Girls' High School(Kanto1/Tokyo)

The match between Daisho Gakuen High School(Kansai2/Osaka), which has played in this Championship for 7 years, and Murata Girls' High School(Kanto1/Tokyo)was very exciting match until the end. At the beginning of the 1st half Daisho Gakuen got into the game and tried to score from side attacks mainly by 2 top players Shimabayashi Mika and Kagohara Chinatsu. On 17 minutes, Kagohara started to attack Murata Girls’ High School’s goal by passing the ball to Yano Shoko and then to Shimabayashi, but the shot went over the goal post. On the other hand, Murata Girls’ School’s Kishimoto Sana tried to apply the finishing touch to the opponent’s goal but it wasn’t successful. The 1st half ended with 0-0.
In the 2nd half, Daisho Gakuen kept its lead but Murata Girls’ High School’s GK Arikura Yuika bravely jumped in to save her goal. She said “It was very difficult, but I just felt I had to do it by looking at our supporters in the stadium”. At the end of the 2nd half, on 76 minutes, Kishino of Murata Girls’ High School made a low cross which eventually broke through the right wing was defended by the opponent’s goal keeper, but Konno Nae successfully pushed the ball into the goal. Due to the offense which maximised few scoring chances and the great contribution of the team’s goalkeeper, who is highly appreciated by the head coach saying “our unemphatic hero who lead us to win by saving our goal”, Murata Girls’ High School achieved to move on to the semi final.

Match Detail

Pickup Match2

Osaka Toin Senior High School(Kansai3/Osaka) 1-2(1st 1-1、2nd 0-1) Fujieda Junshin High School(Tokai1/Shizuoka)

From the beginning of the 1st half, Fujieda Junshin High School(Tokai1/Shizuoka)who couldn’t achieve the champion at the final last year, took the lead of the game by side attacks. However, the team who actually moved the match was Osaka Toin Senior High School(Kansai3/Osaka), who desperately plays for the victory after losing in the final of All Japan High School Soccer Tournament last August. On 12 minutes, Iwane Akari got the ball at the higher spot of right wing and passed it into the penalty area. Nakayama Satsuki got the ball before the goal keeper’s jump and screwed it changing the ball’s direction just at side of the goal.
Fujieda Junshin allowed the opening score but the players didn’t feel pressured very much. “We couldn’t do what we should have done. I just thought we should do what we have to do at that time”, said Sugita Hina. They gradually getting more into the game with well balanced offense, Shimamura Yukiko picked up the opponent’s passing mistake and stroke a middle shot which equalised the match.
In the 2nd half, Fujieda Junshin changed the player and the substitute player Kono Fuuka contributed to energising the team’s offense. On 52 minutes, Kawano Jyuri raised a cross from left wing and Yamashita Fumika in front of the goal fired a volley which successfully got their 2nd goal. Fujieda Junshin kept saving their goal to win the match with 2-1 and achieved one more step closer to the victory.

Match Detail


MIURA Momo(Daisho Gakuen High School)
Even thought we had many scoring chances, we couldn’t make it and the opponents could score maximising their few chances. I think we lost the match because we gave them these chances. This year, we tried to score and save by all of 11 players, not just by a player, since we don’t have prominent players. It is such a shame that we lost, but we still could keep our level of play today. I want junior players of our team to win the national level championship in the future.

YASHIRO Kohei Head Coach(Murata Girls' High School)
It was very difficult in the 1st half, but I appreciate defenders for concentrating on saving us. In the half time, I said the players “it’s all right, just play with confidence”. I think that made the players even more positive and played very well in the 2nd half. To come up to the semi final, many graduated players had to go through difficulties in the past. They still keep in touch with us and say “hey coach, I watched you guys on TV. The team play very well”. That makes me happy and I just told the current players that they should try best considering those former players warm support. I think the players understood that and played very well.

AMANO Yasuo Head Coach(Osaka Toin Senior High School)
I think we were lack of defense ability considering we could not stop their 2nd goal, even though we couldn’t help allowing them to make some scoring chances to some degree. Since we wanted to win this Championship, I can’t be satisfied with this result. If we can’t beat the level of team like Fujieda Junshin, we can never move on to the final. We might have a good match against them, but I just wanted to be capable to win. But I know that the players did as much as they could, indeed I’m sure that our supporters saw how much the players did their best today, and that’s the aspect I’m satisfied.

Shimamura Yukiko(Fujieda Junshin High School)
Last year, we couldn’t win the final and that experience is one of my good lessons. This time, we could break through strong defense of such as Tokiwagi Gakuen and Hinomoto Gakuen by dribbling and I just think we have grown up since then. Now I am confident as a team that we can win. I want to be NO.1 keeping our level of play. The more we win, the stronger the opponent teams will be. I know that adjusting ourselves to beat strong teams. I want to win the next semi final match.

Other Results

Hinomoto Gakuen Senior High School (Kansai1/Hyogo)3-1 Shonan Gauin High School(Kanto5/Kanagawa)
Match Detail

Tokiwagi Gakuen High School(Tohoku1/Miyagi) 9-1 Seiwa Gakuen High School(Tohoku2/Miyagi)
Match Detail

All Japan High School Women's Football Tournament

Sat. 3 January -  Sun. 11 January 2015
More Information

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