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Canon Girls Camp – 1st training finished

24 May 2014

Canon Girls Camp – 1st training finished

Memorable 1st “Canon Girls Camp” was conducted in a good weather all through 5 days. Not a single player retired until the end of training, all of 57 players managed to complete the training programs.
In 8-on-8 game on the last day, all the players were actively playing with lively voices unlike first day of the training, maybe because of they have a better understanding of football and know each other well since the camp started. They played what they are good at with confidence and proactively giving a challenge to things they trained during the camp.
They reviewed the programs of the camp as they taking a look at the photos they shared what they learned in short but quality and enjoyable time.

This was the first trial of training camp, it presented the opportunity to understand the positioning of “what is the Elite Program” at the same time. It was useful to review the original definition of the elite program and all the activities so far. As this year marks the first elite program players will be taking part in FIFA World Cup, all the staff shared the mission of this project as a heart of player development program. (Picture: KAKITANI (R) and SAITO (L) taking in an interview by Chinese Press when they went overseas for the first time.

For important period for girl players who graduating from elementary school to junior high school, the another initiative of project called “Canon Girls Eight – JFA Regional Girls Eight (U-12) Football Tournament” are scheduled to start in September in Hokkaido. Many players likely to be a Nadeshiko Japan, would be playing in this tournament, this will be one of the occasion to select players for “Canon Girls Camp”. Please closely follow “Canon Girls Eight”


UKIDA Akina, Coach (National Training Center in charge of Hokkaido Ladies)
The training schedule was tough for doing training as well as attending the meeting and the lecture, etc., I assume the players picked up many things in this camp by actively participating in it. At the same time, I enjoyed coaching them for all the players in my group are spirited and a full of power.

YODOGAWA Tomoharu, Coach (National Training Center Coach in charge of Kanto Ladies)
Amid anxiety and rising tension for attending first camp, the players aggressively worked on the training. Some parts didn’t go as originally planned in training game. As they accumulate the knowledge of the football little by little, I noticed the changes in the players in a matter of five days.
I hope these changes would lead them to the stimulation and a starting point for the future football activities.

KATO Kenji, Coach (National Training Center Coach in charge of Tohoku Ladies)
Many players experienced the new training program they’ve never had before. The training started with some tensions. Dividing 57 players into three groups, they stimulated each other for techniques and sense of ball control as they do training on the pitch with the terrific condition. In the night session, they listened to the lecture giving some indication of what are the keys to become a top player and, managed to heighten their motivation for the football. I am sure it was unforgettable memory for meeting the winning members of FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup came here the other day and talked to them face to face, and many players quietly promised themselves for playing well in the future. Becoming junior high school student from elementary school student, the extensive five-day training should be a good starting point for the players about to enter the door of adult football. Everybody including staff who supported the training and the regional coaches who participated in the camp, would agree with me in seeing a silver lining behind them.

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